Clowne Infant and Nursery School Safeguarding Statement
Our Vision for Safeguarding
Clowne Infant and Nursery School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this vision. As a school, we are fully committed to ensuring that consistent, robust and effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff, both inside and outside of school.
Our School Safeguarding Team
Mrs Susie Kirby- Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Carolyn Galley- Deputy Headteacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Laura Barnett- SENCO & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Nicola Cross - Family Support Worker & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Erica Bellamy- Safeguarding & Anti-Bullying Governor
Our Commitment to Safeguarding Our Children
Breakfast club is an excellent way for your child to start the day. Our team will ensure your child has a fun start to the day, a healthy breakfast and that they get to their class on time for their morning activity.
Each morning a member of staff greets arriving children. This is our first opportunity to see if children are happy and eager to come to school. Any anxieties can often be sorted early in the school day. Parents who are worried or needing advice can make an appointment to see Mrs Cross who is our Family Support Worker.
From Nursery through to Year 2 we can also provide ‘Nurture Support’ which is where a trained member of staff works with children about feelings and well-being.
Safeguarding Children Statement
At Clowne Infant and Nursery School, health, safety and the well-being of all of our children is our highest priority.
We put a wide range of measures in place to ensure we provide the best care for our learners.
What we do:
Health and Safety
The school has a health and safety policy, which is monitored regularly by the relevant members of the school governing board and Mrs. Kirby.
Any concerns from staff are reported to the caretaker (Mr Wragg), Business Manager (Mr Hallam) or the Headteacher (Mrs Kirby). An assessment is then made as to what needs to happen and in what time frame.
Fire drills take place at least two times a year to practice efficient evacuation from the buildings. The school conducts an annual Fire Risk Assessment.
There is also a critical incident plan which outlines roles and responsibilities in the case of emergencies.
In addition to the Health and Safety Policy there are also relating policies regarding Food Safety, Allergies and Administrating Medicines which determine safe and best practice.
First Aid
Staff in all areas of school have current first aid training. First Aid kits are situated in all classrooms, the hall and the office. A first aider is on duty at every playtime and lunch break and all injuries are recorded in the children’s individual incident log. Dinner staff carry a first aid kit with them.
Where there is cause for concern, staff seek advice from the office. Where necessary, parents are contacted. Parents/Carers are always contacted if there has been a bump to the head.
In case of emergency, the school will call for emergency treatment before contacting the parent.
Site Security
We have a secure site with fencing around the perimeter of both ourselves and the Juniors. Access into the school is by door access control and staff can view visitors on monitors. Please help maintain high standards of security by closing doors behind you and by reporting any concerns you have to the school office.
Excellent attendance is a priority. Please send your child every possible day. If your child becomes ill during the day we will call you. In the event that your child is unwell please report their absence by 9am on the first day by calling 01246 810518. Not reporting absence will result in the office contacting you before 10am for an explanation. This is to make sure that your child is safe. Please inform school of medical appointments in advance and provide evidence to the office. Sickness or diarrhoea in a child requires 48 hours of absence from school, from their last bout, this is to avoid passing the bug on to others. Children must have eaten properly before their return.
On the rare occasions where a child's attendance and punctuality causes concern, the school may work closely with the Family Support Worker - Mrs Nicola Cross. Attendance rates are reported daily to the LA, annually to the government and weekly to all parents. The school is aware of its right to notify the authority when good attendance and punctuality is not ensured. The authority may then seek to issue a fixed penalty. In exceptional circumstances, leave of absence may be requested in writing by submitting a letter to the head in advance, and explains in detail what the exceptional circumstances are.
A termly attendance certificate is awarded to individuals with attendance of over 97%. 100% attendance certificates are also given annually.
Appointment and induction of staff and work placements
All staff appointed to work in school have a criminal records search called an enhanced DBS check. This search highlights people who have a criminal record or if previous allegations have been made against them. If any member of staff is found to have a criminal record, the appointment is reconsidered by the Headteacher and the Governing Board. The LA is informed directly by the Disclosure and Barring Service. The Headteacher has undertaken the NCSL training on Safer Recruitment and sits on all appointment panels where the candidates are external applicants. Newly appointed staff have an induction to familiarise themselves with procedures, policies and our safeguarding practices, which affect the health and safety of all at school, especially the children.
Induction of volunteers
All volunteers must also have an enhanced DBS clearance. For any extended contact with children, when children may be left alone with an adult, or when an adult visitor may be in and around the school building, a full DBS search will be conducted. Visitors who do not yet have clearance will under no circumstance be left alone with a child or group of children.
Welcoming Visitors
We confirm that all visitors with a professional role – e.g. supply teachers, the School Nurse or members of the police - have relevant clearance. Students who work within our school community also have their DBS clearance confirmed. Anyone who spends time in school without this confirmation will be accompanied at all times.
Child Protection/Safeguarding
The designated adults for Child Protection/Safeguarding are Mrs Kirby, Mrs Galley, Mrs Barnett and Mrs Cross. The designated safeguarding governor is Mrs Erica Bellamy. There is a detailed Child Protection Policy, which is available on the website. It is the Governing Board’s duty to ensure the policy is reviewed annually and any deficiencies within the policy addressed immediately. All governors and all staff have had appropriate child protection training, which is updated either by Mrs Kirby or by Derbyshire on an alternate annual programme. Physical restraint: This school follows advice that physical restraint may be used if there is the possibility that a child may be about to cause harm to him/ herself or to another. On no occasion will any form of physical contact be used as a punishment. All allegations of abuse and/or complaints of a teacher will be dealt with following clear procedures, initially by the Headteacher. For any complaints about the Head of School the Chair of Governors should be contacted directly.
The Design of the Curriculum
The curriculum deals with safeguarding in two key ways. Firstly, the curriculum - through cross-curricular topics and planning around Personal, Social and Health Education - discusses relevant issues with the children. Specific topics include such themes as Medicines, Sex and Relationships and Stranger Danger. Children are encouraged to explore and discuss these issues together and with their teachers/teaching and learning assistants. We also discuss a wide range of issues around safety and well-being on a very regular basis in assemblies. Secondly, the curriculum is designed so that safety issues within the subject are discussed and safe practices taught, such as using equipment properly in PE and Design and Technology. At all times there has to be appropriate staffing levels and when the curriculum is taken out of school, appropriate and agreed pupil/adult ratios are maintained. The lead adult always assesses visits as to the level of risk and all trips are authorised by the Headteacher and EVOLVE. Risk assessments are conducted for all activities beyond the school grounds, and these are signed off by the Educational Visits Coordinator and EVOLVE.
Children should be encouraged to use the internet, but at all times in a safe way. Pupils must never be left unattended whilst online and teachers should ensure that this does not happen. If any adult or child suspects misuse, either by a teacher or child, the issue must be reported to the Head without delay. Our Network Administrator has overall responsibility for internet safety and is also the internet and email manager for school. We have very robust filters on all school systems.
Disability Equality Scheme and Equal Opportunities
At Clowne Infant and Nursery School we work to ensure that everyone is treated fairly. All children are given equal access to the school and its curriculum and all are considered equal in the learning partnership. When children have special needs, we make arrangements to inform parents and design specific programmes. We ensure that the outcomes for all groups of children allow them to reach their full potential. Children with physical needs and disabilities must be able to take a full and active part in every lesson and activity, and every measure is taken to ensure this. For additional information on SEND please read the SEND section of the website.
Good behaviour is essential in any community and we have high expectations for this. Our policy shows our strong emphasis on positive approaches, but also our clear boundaries in responding to behaviour choices that threaten the learning, well-being or safety of others. We are very proud of how well behaved our children are and this often gets commented upon both in and out of school.
Our definition of bullying is: "When we talk about bullying, we mean one or more people repeatedly behaving in an intimidating or aggressive way, with the intention of causing emotional or physical harm to another person." The school’s response to this is unequivocal. We do not tolerate bullying in our school community, and as soon as we are aware of an issue we act promptly and effectively. Adults must be informed immediately and action will be taken. Our children know that we pride ourselves on being a 'telling school'. If any child tells us that they feel they are being bullied, they know that we will support them and deal with the problem very quickly. Although bullying in this school is rare the school always acts swiftly with a process of investigation, communication and action. Bullies will not be tolerated.
Photographing and Filming
There has been a lot of controversy recently about adults photographing and filming young people. The concerns are genuine, and at Clowne we have taken a sensible, balanced approach, which allows parents to photograph and video, providing they follow certain guidelines:
Parents taking photographs are advised in advance of all school events that photographs must be for their own use within their families, and are not to be used in any social media unless other children are unidentifiable.
Image Consent
The school uses images of children, both on our website and in press releases. However parents are given the option at intake to refuse use of their child's image. Parents can change their preferences at any time by requesting a consent form from the office.
If members of staff ever have any concerns about people working within the school, paid or unpaid, they have a professional duty to inform the Headteacher or Governing Board accordingly. This can be done in writing or verbally but staff should be prepared to discuss issues in the confidence that any such matter will be dealt with sensitively and with the highest appropriate level of confidentiality.
If you have a question about safeguarding and cannot find the answer on our website please contact school.