
Clowne Infant & Nursery School

‘We take our children on a journey of discovery, giving them aspirations and engaging them in lifelong learning’


Derbyshire Police - important numbers

Derbyshire Police Contact numbers to report concerns

Derbyshire Police Information

 There are people who can help if you are experiencing difficulty. Being at home can put extra pressure on families.


If you have concerns about a child please select the appropriate number:


If you are worried that a crime is happening now, call 999.


If it isn't an emergency, but you think the police should know about it call 101

or report it online.


Twitter - @DerPolContact

Facebook - @derbyshireconstabulary


If you would prefer not to contact the Police directly:

Crimestoppers – 0800555111 (anonymously)

NSPCC - 0808 800 5000 or email -

Child Line - 0800 1111

CEOP via their online site. (Anonymously)


The main thing is, if you have concerns about any child including those in your home, please consider the options above.


We are all here to help!


