
Clowne Infant & Nursery School

‘We take our children on a journey of discovery, giving them aspirations and engaging them in lifelong learning’



   Computing at Clowne Infant and Nursery School

Intent: What are we trying to achieve?

Our aim is to provide a high quality computing education which equips children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. The curriculum will teach children key knowledge about how computers and computer systems work, and how they are designed and programmed. Children will have the opportunity to gain an understanding of computer systems of all kind. By the end of Key stage 1 children will have gained knowledge and skills in the four main areas of the computing curriculum:

  • Computing Science: In this strand the pupils will explore computer programming and computational thinking in different contexts.
  • Computer Science (CS) & Digital Literacy ( DL): In this strand the pupils will explore finding information on the Internet safely.
  • Digital Literacy: In this strand the pupils will explore communication and collaboration tools
  • Information Technology: In this strand the pupils will create multimedia content in different curriculum contexts. Explore and create and make music and sound in different contexts. Collect and represent data using charting software
  • Online Safety: This is at the forefront of all our lessons, we teach school rules about online safety from EYFS with class discussions and what they should do if they come across something they don’t like. Across KS1 we have termly e-safety dedicated lessons, these include what to do if you see something you don’t like, communicating online, keeping information safe and creating online safety rules.


Implementation: How will we achieve this?

In the foundation stage the children will develop a greater understanding of the world by recognising a range of technology that is used in their homes and school. Through experiment with a range of different equipment such as PCs, cameras, microphones and mechanical toys such as bee-bots. The children will begin to speculate on why things happen or how they work.

Throughout Key stage 1, the children with continue to use programmable toys and PCs. They will also follow and use the Teach Computing scheme of work. Where the children will make cross curricular links to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. Through the lessons children will learn programming, how to implement and follow algorithms, learning to create and debug simple programs and use logical reasoning to predict behaviours. Children will continue to understand the importance of online safety, with specifically designed lessons to focus on this as well continued discussion and teaching within each lesson.

Children will also use computing across the curriculum as part of their phonics teaching and learning where children will be able to access online books. Education city is also being used as online learning platform for homework relating to science, phonics and maths.


Impact: What difference will this make?

Children will become responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

Computing will be assessed in many different ways;

  • Observations within each lesson on a set criterion (e.g. logging off and on without peer or adult support)
  • Open ended questions to check the children’s understanding.
  • Class and group discussions
  • Monitoring children’s personal files within school.
  • Whole school and year group monitoring.

Take a look at the documents below to find out more about Computing in our school.

Learning Blocks Year 1 and Year 2

Key vocabulary



                                                             Year 2

There was multiple steps before creating the final video.

1. Create a written story

2. Create a story board  

3. Create setting and characters  

4. Create the videos 

Stop Motion Video

Still image for this video

The Pet Shop.mp4

Still image for this video

Helping your child at home

Hector's World

Watch Hector and his friends learning how to use their computer safely!


Click on the picture to go to the website. 


The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART crew

 For children aged 7-11. A fun way to learn about how to stay safe online. 


Click on the picture to go to the website. 


Help is out there if you need it!

If you have a problem or are feeling upset by something that is happening online and don't know what to do about it then please check out this website. 

The best thing you can do is to talk to a grown up that you trust or you can contact someone on this website. You can call, chat online or email a support worker through this website.


Click on the picture to go to the website. 
