
Clowne Infant & Nursery School

‘We take our children on a journey of discovery, giving them aspirations and engaging them in lifelong learning’



We value music as an important part of the children's entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. Music interweaves through all areas of learning and development and provides children with the opportunity to develop independence, to express their creativity, thoughts, feelings and ideas, and to work collaboratively. 
 All vocal communication is comprised of musical elements such as pitch, rhythm and timbre, demonstrating that musicality is an intrinsic part of being a human.

We use an off the shelf curricular called 'Charanga' (which is part of the Derby and Derbyshire Music Partnership) to support our teaching of music. However we do recognise that music doesn't have to be solely taught within a 'music session', music and it's magic can be incorporated into daily practices and through other curriculum subjects. It is used 'in the moment', we burst into song when a word or action prompts us to do so. We strive to inspire pupils, to develop a love of music in their day to day practice as they move around school. We aim to give them the tools, to critically engage them, allow them to compose and listen with discrimination to music, allowing opportunities to create and share their attempts, critique and achievements in music.

Here are some snapshots of what Music looks like in our school
