
Clowne Infant & Nursery School

‘We take our children on a journey of discovery, giving them aspirations and engaging them in lifelong learning’




“People must feel that the natural world is important and valuable and beautiful and wonderful and an amazement and a pleasure.”
― David Attenborough



Intent: What are we trying to achieve?

Clowne Infant and Nursery we have chosen to follow the Kapow Geography scheme of work as it inspires pupils to become curious and explorative thinkers with a diverse knowledge of the world; in other words, to think like a geographer!


Our scheme encourages;

  • A strong focus on developing geographical skills and knowledge
  • Critical thinking, with the ability to ask perspective questions and explain analyse evidence
  • The development of fieldwork skills across each year group.
  • A deep interest and knowledge of pupils' locality and how it differs from other areas of the world.
  • A growing understanding of geographical concepts, terms and vocabulary.


Implementation: How will we achieve this?

Our Progression of skills and knowledge shows the skills taught within each year group and how these develop to ensure that attainment targets are met by the end of key stage 1. Geographical key concepts are woven across all units rather than being taught discretely as seen in the Progression of key geographical concepts.

The national curriculum organises the Geography attainment targets under four subheadings or strands;

  • Locational knowledge
  • Place knowledge
  • Human and physical geography
  • Geography skills and fieldwork


The Kapow Primary scheme is a spiral curriculum, with essential knowledge and skills revisited with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to revise and build on their previous learning. Locational knowledge, in particular, will be reviewed in each unit to coincide with our belief that this will consolidate children’s understanding of key concepts.


Impact: What difference will this make?

An enquiry-based approach to learning will allow teachers to assess children against the National curriculum expectations for Geography. We monitor through both formative and summative assessment opportunities including unit quiz, knowledge catchers, opportunities for children to present their findings using their geographical skills will also form part of the assessment process. We believe pupils will leave our school equipped with the foundations of Geographical skills and knowledge to enable them to build upon in Key Stage 2. We hope to shape children into curious and inspired geographers with respect and appreciation for the world around them alongside an understanding of the interconnection between the human and the physical.

  • Compare and contrast human and physical features to describe and understand similarities and differences between various places.
  • Name, locate and understand where and why the physical elements of our world are located and how they interact.
  • Develop an appreciation for how humans are impacted by and have evolved around the physical geography surrounding them and how humans have had an impact on the environment, both positive and negative.
  • Develop a sense of location and place around the UK and some areas of the wider world using the four-points of a compass, symbols and keys on maps, globes, atlases and aerial photographs.
  • Identify and understand how various elements of our globe.



Year One

Year one started this academic year by focusing on the unit 'What is it like here?' This gave the current year ones the opportunity to bridge the gap from FS2 by learning about looking at aerial photographs, making maps of the classroom and locating features. They finished the term by completing a survey of the current playground and using the results to draw a new and improved design. Term 4 unit looked at the unit 'What is the weather like in the UK?' Year one used songs and rhymes to help them name and locate the four countries on a map of the UK and identify the country we live in. There was a focus on seasons, changes including weather patterns. Year one learned the four compass points and how to use them to describe the location of features.

Year Two

Year two began their geography journey this year in Term 2 with the unit 'Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place?' They enjoyed learning about the seven continents, North and the South Poles and the Equator  and learned to locate them on a world map. The children then moved onto looking at Kenya and the similarities and differences between the UK, including investigating the weather. Term 4 built on previous learning through the unit 'Why is our world wonderful?' This was very interesting as the children identified and located characteristics of the UK on a map as well as human and physical features. The children used song to help them remember the oceans and seas and finally completed field work on our local grounds.
